linden tea

hello there!

this site only looks/works best on desktop for now, i’m sorry! i’m working on finding a responsive layout that doesn't break everything in one way or another (no luck so far, i can't figure out why). in the meantime, mobile users should kindly please rotate to landscape mode.

this is very much a work in progress, and i plan to flesh it out with even more pages about houseplants, writings on sexuality/gender (specifically focused on butch lesbian and transmasc experiences), as well as writings on chronic illness/disability, galleries of my art and artsy photography, worldbuilding, prose, pixel club collections, and... who knows? the web is.. uh.... my oyster? wait, i don't like oysters. ew. this is whatever i wanna make it.

oh, yeah, and this site isn't NSFW per se, but assume there will be a PG-13+ rating on most content. i'm sorry, minors! just to be on the safe side, please turn around. this is for both our sakes. you're welcome back when you're 18!


a divider image of a preying mantis with decorative flourishes of leaves on either side of her

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